Kinesis (2023) on view at Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, 2023 and Utopias Lahti Festival, Lahti, 2023.
Pigment print epoxy castings on second hand sheet glass with epoxy casted legs. Second hand butterfly magnifier floating on chain.
Installation view at Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, 2023.
Video (24min) projected on the ceiling. Installation view at Utopias Lahti Festival, Lahti, 2023.
Installation view at Utopias Lahti Festival, Lahti, 2023.
Epoxy casted pigment print. 2,5cm x 2,5cm x 2,5cm.
Installation view at Utopias Lahti Festival, Lahti, 2023.
Magnifier glass positioned to shrink the image of epoxy castings.